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Special Excursion: Behind-the-Scenes Look at Wien Energie’s Innovative Renewable Energy Projects

Join Renewable Energy students on an exclusive tour of Wien Energie's pioneering renewable energy ventures, including geothermal innovations, hydrogen exploration, efficient heat pumps, and waste-to-fuel transformations, offering a glimpse into Vienna's sustainability leadership.

MSc Renewable Energy Systems Students on a trip to Wien Energie

© TU Wien Academy for Continuing Education

Geothermal Energy and the Geotief Project

The excursion day began with two fascinating lectures at the JUFA Hotel Wien City. Helene Mooslechner presented on the Geotief project and Wien Energie’s plans to expand the use of geothermal energy for district heating in Vienna. Geothermal energy taps into the heat within the Earth to provide a renewable source for heating and cooling. The Geotief project will allow Wien Energie to access geothermal energy to supply district heating to tens of thousands of households in Vienna.

Lecture by Helene Mooslechner

© TU Wien Academy for Continuing Education

Hydrogen - The Fuel of the Future?

Thomas Sabbas followed with an insightful presentation on hydrogen and its potential as a renewable energy source. Wien Energie is involved in projects exploring how to produce, store, and use hydrogen as a green fuel. Hydrogen can be produced through the electrolysis of water and then used to generate electricity or power vehicles.

Large Scale Heat Pump

After a lunch provided by Wien Energie, we visited the Large Scale Heat Pump at the ebswien sewage treatment plant. Christoph Segalla gave a presentation on the technical details of this innovative heat pump, followed by a tour of the impressive facility. The heat pump is able to extract thermal energy from wastewater and then upgrade it to supply district heating for thousands of homes. It is a highly efficient method of harnessing the energy potential in wastewater.

Students at a guide at Wien Energie

© TU Wien Academy for Continuing Education

Turning Waste into Fuel at the Waste2Value Plant

Our final stop was the Waste2Value pilot plant, where residual waste is upcycled into green fuel. Philipp Krobath guided us through the plant, explaining how the waste is processed into synthetic natural gas and biochar. The waste is heated in a low-oxygen environment, breaking it down into basic components that can then be reformed into new products. The synthetic natural gas can be used to generate electricity or fuel vehicles.

This insightful excursion provided REN students a unique look at how Wien Energie is pioneering renewable energy technologies like geothermal energy, hydrogen power, heat pumps, and waste upcycling. We gained valuable experience that will enrich our studies in renewable energy systems. Thank you to Wien Energie and Energiepark for organizing this opportunity. The projects we explored demonstrate Vienna's leadership in sustainability and renewable energy innovat

Thank you to Wien Energie and the Energiepark for the organization!

Further information about the MSc Renewable Energy Systems program can be found on our program page.