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MSc Healthcare Facilities: Create, Re-Shape & Innovate Healthcare Facilities

New postgraduate program of the TU Wien and the Medical University of Vienna provides interdisciplinary training for specialists.

Situation in an operating room

The Healthcare system is confronted with far-reaching social changes that have a major impact on the functionality and structure of healthcare facilities. Healthcare buildings have to meet new societal requirements in the future: They have to be patient-oriented, efficient as well as capable of development and offer a good working environment for employees.

The new postgraduate university course ‘MSc Healthcare Facilities’ starts right here and trains specialists who can work internationally and nationally for successful and sustainable planning, design and restructuring of healthcare facilities.

The joint university course Healthcare Facilities (MSc) of MedUni Vienna and TU Wien represents a unique, interdisciplinary further education for experts of different disciplines. The Master program pursues a holistic approach to the conception, planning, construction, operation and management of healthcare facilities for the benefit of patients and society. A highlight and unique characteristic of the postgraduate course is the cooperation between the fields of architecture and spatial planning, business organisation, medicine and nursing sciences, which is reflected in the cooperation between the TU Wien and the Medical University of Vienna. The students benefit from the know-how, the network and the experience in further education of the two renowned universities.

Interdisciplinary know-how as an asset

When planning and constructing increasingly complex hospitals, numerous specialists often work in parallel. Therefore, interdisciplinary experts should be trained to ensure the overall objective. Interdisciplinary knowledge, analytical skills and the ability to work in a team are prerequisites for effective planning of healthcare facilities, which leads to better workplaces and processes and optimises construction and operating costs.

In many countries, the number of beds in public hospitals is being reduced, while new providers with different financing models are expanding their capacity. There is a competition for patients, and at the same time great pressure to reduce costs, although the demand for complex medical interventions is growing faster than the economy. The OECD estimates that there are about 4 million hospital beds in Europe that require renovation and restructuring every 10–15 years, while the life expectancy of an entire building is assumed to be 30 years. Restructurings are also influenced by changes in technology, particularly in operations, diagnostics and imaging.

The aim of this Master program is therefore to impart interdisciplinary, international and sustainable knowledge as well as high competence in its application for successful and sustainable planning, design and restructuring of healthcare facilities.  The postgraduate university course Healthcare Facilities (MSc) provides the ability for interdisciplinary cooperation with a strong practical orientation.

Maßgeschneiderte Weiterbildung für berufstätige Healthcare Expert_innen

The Master program is aimed in particular at architects, engineers, doctors, nursing staff, medical professionals, health and healthcare managers, physicists and computer scientists involved in the planning and design of healthcare. The contents of the MSc course are divided into modules and are taught in part-time attendance phases. The acquired knowledge is implemented interactively in practice-oriented transdisciplinary learning and exercise labs. International field trips offer exclusive insights into the practice, design and organisation of healthcare facilities.


  • Unique Master Program in the field of Healthcare Facilities
  • Cooperation between two leading Austrian universities – TU Wien and MedUni Vienna
  • Top-class and international faculty
  • Practice-oriented and interdisciplinary MSc program
  • Cooperation between the fields of architecture and spatial planning, business organisation, medicine and nursing sciences
  • Field trips to international health facilities
  • Optimal compatibility of further training and career with blocked modules every four to six weeks


Fakten & Termine im Überblick

Abschluss: Verleihung des akademischen Grades Master of Science (MSc) durch TU Wien / MedUni Wien
Unterrichtssprache: Englisch
Studiendauer: 4 Semester, berufsbegleitend, gegliedert in Module
Programmstart: Oktober 2020
Anmeldeschluss: 30. Juni 2020
Kosten: EUR 19.500 (exkl. Reise- und Aufenthaltskosten)
Website:, opens an external URL in a new window
Lehrgangsleitung: Christian Kühn, TU Wien und Univ.Prof.Dr.Michael J. Hiesmayr, MSc, Medizinsche Universität Wien

Kontakt Programm Team MSc Healthcare Facilities

Mag. Christine Hudetz, MA
Programm Manager
T +43-1-58801-41708r