All news at TU Wien

MONOPOL - A traveling-wave magnetic neutron spin resonator for tailoring polarized neutron beams

We report on first experimental tests of a neutron magnetic spin resonator at a very cold neutron beam port of the high flux reactor at the ILL Grenoble.

MONOPOL - A traveling-wave magnetic neutron spin resonator for tailoring polarized neutron beams

© Atominstitut

We report on first experimental tests of a neutron magnetic spin resonator at a very cold neutron beam port of the high flux reactor at the ILL Grenoble. When placed between two supermirror neutron polarizers and operated in a pulsed traveling-wave mode it allows to decouple its time- and wavelength-resolution and can therefore be used simultaneously as electronically tunable monochromator and fast beam chopper. As a first ‘real’ scientific application we intend its implementation in the PERC (p roton and e lectron r adiation c hannel) project related to high-precision experiments in neutron beta decay.

Erwin Jericha, Christoph Gösselsberger, Hartmut Abele, Stefan Baumgartner, Bernhard Maximilian Berger, Peter Geltenbort, Masahiro Hino, Tatsuro Oda, Robert Raab & Gerald Badurek

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