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MIA Event “Startups in Energy Transition – Reverse Pitch”

The event featured presentations, reverse pitches, and a workshop addressing energy system platforms, business models, legal aspects of energy communities, and user involvement in innovation processes.

Under the slogan “Startups and research – together for the energy transition!”, the Mission Innovation Austria Event for Startups in Energy Transition took place on September 30, 2021 at the Federal Ministry for Climate Action (BMK) in Vienna. More than 40 participants from the startup scene and the research community participated.

After introductory presentations by Michael Hübner and Arno Gattinger (Federal Ministry for Climate Action) on the digital energy system and the strategy of the Climate Protection Ministry, Hemma Bieser (avantsmart) presented the map of Austrian energy startups.

This was followed by the reverse pitches. However, instead of startups that are used to pitching, researchers were asked to pitch their organization and research area. The Energy&IT Group was represented by Andrija Goranović.

The event ended with an interactive workshop in World Cafe Style, whereby following exciting topics were discussed in groups: platform solutions for energy systems, business models and legal aspects of energy communities and the involvement of users in innovation processes.

We thank the organizers for the invitation to this excellent event and are already looking forward to the next Mission Innovation Austria event!

More information at: MIA Event “Startups in Energy Transition – Reverse Pitch”, opens an external URL in a new window