All news at TU Wien

Merry Christmas!

A retrospective and outlook.

Baby with Christmas decoration and Santa hat

New in our team: Alicja I Photo: Tomasz Miksa

New additions to the team

Alicja Miksa and Samah Jaber are the newest members of our team. While Samah actively supports the FAIR Office Austria, Alicja keeps our Technical Lead, Tomasz Miksa, on his toes.

Samah fortunately took over the role of a FAIR Data Officer at the Center for RDM in November. She supports the team with her many years of experience as an IT manager and takes care of the further development of the FAIR Office Austria, opens an external URL in a new window within the FAIR Data Austria, opens an external URL in a new window project. In addition to her work with us, she is currently studying in the Master programme Data Science, opens an external URL in a new window.

FAIR Office Austria

In June, the FAIR Office Austria, opens an external URL in a new window was officially founded in an online event with numerous presentations and participants. The consortium aims to connect stakeholders from research and service institutions, to support researchers in applying the FAIR principles and to help service providers to promote the FAIRisation of services and tools. The planning of networking events for the coming year is already underway, we will keep you informed.

Just a little later, another important milestone was reached: During the GO FAIR Festival at the end of June, FAIR Office Austria was officially welcomed as a new National Support and Coordination Office. FAIR Office Austria is thus part of the global GO FAIR, opens an external URL in a new window initiative, supports its governance and promotes participation in GO FAIR Implementation Networks, opens an external URL in a new window at national level.

Data repository

TU Wien’s institutional data repository, opens an external URL in a new window based on InvenioRDM has started trial operation and already has some interesting datasets to offer. Currently we are still working with "friendly users", but in the coming year self-upload will be enabled and the repository will be available to all members of TU Wien for the storage and publication of research data.

DMP Tool

Just like the data repository, our new DMP tool was also further developed within the framework of the FAIR Data Austria, opens an external URL in a new window project. We are very pleased with the progress and look forward to the trial operation starting in February 2022!

For all those interested in what is behind the DMP tool, we recommend the latest publication by Tomasz Miksa, Simon Oblasser and Andreas Rauber in the journal ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems:, opens an external URL in a new window.


This year, we offered RDM workshops as part of the successful open webinar series Research Data Management in Austria, opens an external URL in a new window as well as in TU Wien’s internal PE programme. Both, our new Git introduction and the DMP training courses were well received by TU Wien members and will be continued in the coming year. Our training schedule in the PE programme will be supplemented by new training courses on the topics of Python (in cooperation with The Carpentries, opens an external URL in a new window) and usage licences (in cooperation with the TU Wien Library and other participants). You can always find an up-to-date overview of our training offers on our events page.

Tomasz Miksa will again give lectures in the Data Stewardship course in the summer semester. The lectures are primarily aimed at students of the master’s programme Data Science. However, the content of the course is not only computer science-specific, general basic knowledge on the topic of research data management will also be taught. We therefore invite you to look at the content of the individual lectures as soon as it is available in TISS and to participate if you are interested.

Quick Start Guide

For all those who would like to find out about the topic of research data management at a glance, we have compiled basic information and further links in a Quick Start Guide, opens an external URL in a new window and made it available on our website.


InvenioRDM Developer Community

Thanks to the active participation of our software developers Maximilian Moser and Florian Wörister, TU Wien has become an official member of the InvenioRDM developer community this year. In addition to the valuable experience we gain from working closely with CERN and the other partners, this active participation leads to an acceleration of the development of features we consider particularly important for our institutional data repository.

The Carpentries

Together with TU Graz and University of Vienna, TU Wien has acquired a gold membership of The Carpentries in April 2021. The Carpentries, opens an external URL in a new window is a US-based organisation that specialises in teaching basic programming and data science skills to interested people around the world. Community-based, open access educational materials are developed and taught through evidence-based teaching methods. Through the Gold membership, TU Wien is entitled to have five people trained as instructors per year. The instructors will pass on their data competence both, within their own institution and in cross-university events.

EOSC Support Office Austria

The EOSC Support Office Austria is an association of Austrian organisations within the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC, opens an external URL in a new window). As head of the Austria Country Profile, opens an external URL in a new window working group, Barbara Sánchez is responsible for recording Open Science and FAIR activities throughout Austria. RDM relevant initiatives and projects are presented by Christiane Stork in the Austria section, opens an external URL in a new window of the website Tomasz Miksa is a member of the European EOSC Task Force Technical Interoperability of Data and Services, opens an external URL in a new window.


In addition to FAIR Data Austria, the Center for Research Data Management is currently active in the H2020 project CO-VERSATILE, opens an external URL in a new window and the Erasmus+ project TrainRDM, opens an external URL in a new window.

For the coming year, we are also hoping for a TU Wien internal .dcall project. The preparation of the application documents together with representatives from different faculties is currently underway. Please keep your fingers crossed!


We look forward to working with you in 2022 and wish you happy holidays and all the best for the new year!



TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16 (top floor), 1040 Vienna

Twitter: @RDMTUWien