All news at TU Wien

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Thank you for the exchange and cooperation in 2022! Together we achieved a lot. A review.

Graphic with the text "2023 happy new year" and Christmas symbols

Image: Mariia –


RDM is and will remain an important topic for research institutions. Accordingly, our team has again expanded this year. In addition to Sotirios Tsepelakis, opens an external URL in a new window, who joined us in March and has become an essential part of our developer team, we gained more support from academia in November: Florina Piroi, opens an external URL in a new window primarily looks after the RDM needs of researchers and research-oriented teaching at TU Wien. She is also active in international projects and initiatives in the field of RDM and ontologies. With her many years of experience in the research area of Data Science at TU Wien, Florina is well known in the RDM world and an ideal addition for the Center for Research Data Management. Welcome to the team, Florina!

Data Repository

2022 was a good year - and the official year of birth - for TU Wien Research Data, opens an external URL in a new window, the institutional data repository of TU Wien. Important development and implementation goals were achieved, the Policy and Terms of Use were adopted, the first (47!) datasets were deposited, and operation was successfully dicussed with The repository is now available to all members of TU Wien for the storage and publication of research data. To maximise the visibility of uploaded content, TU Wien Research Data is indexed in several search services and also listed in FAIRsharing and re3data - both platforms that many funding bodies also refer to.

TU Wien DMP Tool

After successful trial operation, TU Wien DMP Tool, opens an external URL in a new window was officially launched recently as well. The tool is based on the open source software DAMAP, opens an external URL in a new window and helps researchers at TU Wien to create data management plans. Among other things, it provides support by automatically taking over information that is already available in other TUW systems. It guides users through the individual topics of a DMP in 10 steps. The result is an editable DMP in Word format. In addition, DAMAP complies with the RDA recommendation for maDMPs and exports a machine-actionable DMP (Jason) if required. TU Wien DMP Tool is now available to all members of TU Wien. It is operated and further developed by the Campus Software Development department in close cooperation with the Center for Research Data Management.


Our DMP workshop, in which the new TU Wien DMP Tool is now also presented in more detail, took place twice last year within the TU Wien continuing education programme. The topic was once again complemented by the licensing workshop, which is organised together with the TU Wien Library. For a given reason, we are starting the new year with a new offer: In the course "Publishing data in TU Wien's research data repository" we will show interesting facts about the new research data repository. Those who cannot attend this time (fully booked) are cordially invited to register for the follow-up workshop on 16 May 2023. As usual, you can find an overview of our training programme and information on registration in the RDM event calendar. For questions about the workshops or additional training needs, please send us a message to

In the open webinar series Research Data Management in Austria, opens an external URL in a new window, which we are involved in as part of the FAIR Data Austria project, a total of 14 workshops were held in 2022. The series has established itself as a meeting point for the different target groups, within and beyond the borders of Austria. All presentations from this series are available on YouTube, opens an external URL in a new window. Also within the FAIR Data Austria project, the compilation Open Educational Resources Research Data Management, opens an external URL in a new window for self-study and for use in teaching was developed together with project partners and published on the FAIR Office Austria website at the beginning of the year.


At EU level, we were active in the Erasmus+ project TrainRDM, opens an external URL in a new window and completed the H2020 project CO-VERSATILE, opens an external URL in a new window in autumn.

In addition, two new European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) projects with our participation were launched:

  • EOSC Focus, which supports the EOSC Association in their implementation processes and
  • Skills4EOSC, which aims to harmonise the current Open Science training landscape to accelerate the capacity for data-intensive science

EOSC also keeps us busy at the national level, through our involvement in the EOSC Support Office Austria, opens an external URL in a new window and in various working groups, and by leading the Austria Country Profile, opens an external URL in a new window working group. Thus, we always stay on track of Open Science and FAIR-related policies, projects, activities and RDM tools and infrastructures in Austria.

The FAIR Data Austria, opens an external URL in a new window project, which has accompanied us over the last three years and has decisively advanced the development of our tools and services, will be concluded shortly. We will soon find out if our proposal for further funding for the development of RDM services at TU Wien and Austrian level within a follow-up project was successful - please keep your fingers crossed!

In any case, we look forward to further cooperation and wish you happy holidays and all the best for the new year!


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16 (top floor), 1040 Vienna

Twitter: @RDMTUWien