All news at TU Wien

Getting started with TUWEL SS24

TUWEL - the central e-learning platform of the TU Wien - introduces itself.

[Translate to English:] csm_Mein_Start_Mit_TUWEL

The TUWEL team at TU Wien introduces newcomers and prospective students to TUWEL - the central e-learning platform of TU Wien.

Dates and Times:

  • Date 1: Tuesday, 5th March 2024 from 04:00-04:30 pm online in Zoom (in English)
  • Date 2: Wednesday, 6h March 2024 from 04:00-04:30 pm online in Zoom (in German)


Zoom Access:

  • Zoom Link, opens an extern URL in a seperate window
  • Meeting-ID: 682 7652 8416
  • Password: TUWEL2024


Speakers/ experts:

Dipl.-Ing. Mag. Katarzyna Potocka & Dr. techn. Gergely Rakoczi


Recording of the presentation will be provided under the following Link

Getting startet with TUWEL - video files, opens an external URL in a new window


During a short introductory event, the most important information and functions of TUWEL will be presented:

  • What is TUWEL?
  • How do I log in?
  • What can I do with TUWEL?
  • Which courses are supported by a TUWEL course?
  • How do I take part in an e-learning course in TUWEL?