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MCAA General Assembly and Annual Conference to be held in Vienna

The Marie Curie Alumni Association's (MCAA) annual event will take place at the University of Vienna on 24 & 25 February 2019.

For the sixth time this two day event wil bring policy makers, entrepreneurs, researchers across disciplines from both academia and industry together. The MCAA Annual Conference is the flagship event and provides a forum for presentations, workshops, debates, career fair and networking, with a focus on research careers, innovation and science policy. This year the event is focused on "Research and Innovation Beyond the Information Age". The 2019 event is expected to gather more than 700 participants including  members of excellence of the academic society, European Commission, and renowned speakers.

The president of the Austrian Academy of Science Prof. Anton Zeilinger and the CEO/CTO of Infineon technology Austria AG Dr. Sabine Herlitschka have already agreed to be a keynote speakers for the event. Currently, 23 parallel sessions on different topics including Mentoring, Researchers Evaluation under Responsible Research and Innovation, Open Science, Science Communication and Science Diplomacy, Entrepreneurship, Gender Diversity, Future of Research, Writing Project Proposals, Researchers Mental health are planned. You will find more information on the event website, opens an external URL in a new window. If you are interested, you can also look at the past events, opens an external URL in a new window. Several international and national academic organizations including Research in Germany, TU Wien with a booth maintained by its European and International Research Support, Vienna BioCenter, Vikki Academy and Johannes Kepler University Linz have already confirmed their participation at the career fair.

Background of MCAA

The Marie Curie Alumni Association is an international non-profit organization based in Brussels, established and supported by European Commission. It is a global network of researchers consisting over 11,000 current and former beneficiaries of Marie (Skłodowska-)Curie Actions (MSCA). The MCAA is currently comprised of 31 geographical chapters and 10 working groups. The key focus of MCAA is to promote career development, networking and science policy.


Registration is open to all researchers and General Public.
Early Bird Registration Deadline: January 10, 2019
Abstract Submission, opens an external URL in a new window Deadline: January 31, 2019
Group Registration for more than 10 persons are possible!

Please register here, opens an external URL in a new window


The conference is free for MCAA members. All past and present beneficiaries of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions are eligible to join the Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) for free of cost.

If you have any questions regarding registrations, feel free to e-mail –

Contact person for further information:

Dr. Mostafa Moonir Shawrav
Vizepräsident der Marie Curie Alumni Association

You can also find more information online:, opens an external URL in a new window