All news at TU Wien

Maintenance work TUnet backbone Freihaus campus

The replacement of the Karlsplatz backbone router will take place during a maintenance window on Tuesday July 28, 2020 between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm. During this time all TUnet services in this campus area will be interrupted for up to 10 minutes.

Update 12:00 noon: The upgrade has been completed successfully. We will keep our eyes on the new switch-router, but we do not expect any further connection interruptions.

The TUnet campus enterprise network infrastructure is continually adapted to the needs of TU Wien. Currently, the implementation of a modern 100 Gigabit Ethernet infrastructure is underway to fulfil future requirements of the ever progressing digitalization process.

After the successful upgrade of the core routers and the backbone routers for the campus locations Getreidemarkt, Karlsplatz, Science Center and Atominstitut, this upgrade will be performed for the Freihaus campus. Affected buildings are Freihaus (DA, DB, DC) and the library building (DD), but not the Treitlstraße (DE) and Operngasse (DF) buildings. The replacement will take place during a maintenance window on Friday 9 April 2021 between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm. During this time, you will experience interruptions for up to 10 minutes of TUnet services such as Internet access via the wired network for servers and desktops, as well as WiFi and TUphone. This includes GUT access control systems and surveillance cameras. The communication between Freihaus desktops and the server housing area in Freihaus will also be briefly interrupted. datacenter services as well as server housing areas in Freihaus that are connected to other backbone routers than Freihaus are not affected.

We aim to keep the interruptions as short as possible and thank you for your understanding.

After the upgrade is completed, the Campus Freihaus will be highly available, connected via four 100 gigabit links towards the TUnet Core and ready to fulfil future performance and switching capacity demands.

There is no need for config changes on your system. If you suspect a problem after our maintenance work has been completed, please check the network settings of your system or contact the IT contact person at your institute first. Also check the TUnet status, opens an external URL in a new window and currently listed messages on the homepage, opens an external URL in a new window. Should this neither solve nor explain the issue, send an email to or contact us at 58801-42002.