All news at TU Wien

Guideline to dealing with Sexism and Sexual Harassment

The new guideline is available now.

TextText "Harassment" highlighted with pink marker.

© Feng

Sexism and sexual harassment are structural problems of our society based on abuse of power. Study, research and teaching are characterized by interpersonal relationships and social exchange. Sexism and sexual harassment have no place here. As an educational institution and employer, TU Wien not only has the responsibility, but the duty to create a safe and respectful environment for all members of the TU Wien. This is why TU Wien has a zero-tolerance policy regarding sexism and sexual harassment. 

The goal is to create a climate in which all members of the TUW university community feel safe and can work and study free from discrimination, sexism and sexual harassment. To that end, several steps to provide prevention, education, and support have been taken. 

The present ‘Guidelines to dealing with Sexism and Sexual Harassment, opens an external URL in a new window’ was jointly prepared by a working group - consisting of Ute Koch, Jasmin Gründling-Riener, Dinah Gaffal, Ruth Strobl, Louisa Holub, Christoph Brunner, Celine Zahradnik (AKG) and Sarah Recheis (HTU). It serves as a completion of the company agreement ´Betriebsvereinbarung über partnerschaftliches Verhalten und Antidiskriminierung am Arbeitsplatz, opens an external URL in a new window‘ for orientation and as assistance for all groups of persons involved in order to be able to take the right further steps if necessary and to offer comprehensive support for affected persons.

Raising awareness among employees and students of TU Wien is an important measure for the prevention of sexism and sexual harassment. Therefore, have a look at the e-learning offer, opens an external URL in a new window, which (currently) covers the topics of sexual harassment, sexual orientation, unconscious bias as well as diversity basics and will be continuously expanded. 

Take advantage of this offer and help to create a respectful and safe university climate!

Anna Steiger, Vice Rector Human Resources & Gender