All news at TU Wien

Sustainable Construction - Program Start

The joined program of TU Graz and TU Wien started successfully on November 5, 2020.

Program Start Sustainable Construction

This year's class of the MEng and certificate course "Sustainable Construction" in cooperation with the TU Graz started virtually on November 5, 2020.

The academic directors, Prof. Karin Stieldorf and Prof. Peter Maydl, welcomed the students together with the Head of Engineering School, Prof. Bob Martens, and gave an outlook on the next semesters. After a round of introductions of the participants, the program started with an exciting introductory lecture by Prof. Michael Narodoslawsky on the topic of sustainable development.

The team of the TU Wien Continuing Education Center and TU Graz wish all students a good start and much success in the program! We are looking forward to welcoming the participants personally at the TU Wien and TU Graz soon.

Details of the course can be found at