All news at TU Wien

Lecture on Data Stewardship at the TU Wien

For the third time, the Institute of Information Systems Engineering offers the lecture "Data Stewardship" in the summer semester. You are welcome to join!

our icon for workshops

The lecture is primarily aimed at students of the master's programme Data Science and various other computer science studies at TU Wien. However, the course might be interesting for others as well, as it teaches general basic knowledge on the topic of research data management (RDM).

We would therefore like to invite you to take a look at the topics of the course and to attend the sessions you are interested in. The lectures will take place throughout the summer semester, always on Mondays from noon to 2 pm, and will begin with an introduction on 1.3.2021. Registration is not required, simply follow the GoToMeeting link in TISS. 

The lecture topics range from research reproducibility, FAIR principles, data management plans and data citation to digital preservation and repository systems.

LVA-Link and further information

Expansion of our training programme 

We strive at adapting and further developing our continuing education programme according to your demands. If you have any questions about the Data Stewardship Lecture or additional training needs in the field of RDM, please write to us


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 14 (top floor), 1040 Vienna
Twitter: @RDMTUWien