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Lecture by Arthur Kanonier at the Vorarlberg Architektur Institut

On 14 March 2024, Arthur Kanonier gave a lecture on spatial planning and land policy - challenges and solutions at the Vorarlberg Architecture Institute. This was followed by a panel discussion.

Arthur Kanonier is presenting

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In his presentation, opens an external URL in a new window, Arthur Kanonier, opens an external URL in a new window spoke about the tension between affordable housing and economic development, the need to save space and avoid urban sprawl. This was followed by a discussion between DI Reinhard Schertler (spatial planner, owner and managing director of the I+R Group and board member of the Vorarlberg Federation of Industry), Univ. Dr Arthur Kanonier (Head of the Research Department for Land Policy and Land Management at the Vienna University of Technology), DI Gudrun Sturn (architect, FRAU STURN landscape architecture office, expertise in district management, citizen participation, settlement ecology) and Mayor Dieter Egger (City of Hohenems) moderated by DI Anna Hilti (Managing Director of Hilti & Jehle, JI Chairwoman and vai Board Member) and vai Director Dr Verena Konrad.