All news at TU Wien

Learn Chinese – a language with success prospects

The special seminar of TU Wien is held again this fall.

[Translate to English:] Chinesische Mauer mit Bergen im Hintergrund

China is one of Austria’s most important business partners. The interest of Chinese investors in the European market continues to increase. In the meantime, Austrian companies consider China to be a flourishing market. Decent knowledge of the language, as well as an understanding and sensitivity for the culture facilitate the professional and private entry to the distant country.

To properly prepare students of TU Wien and other interested parties to the challenges of a foreign language and culture, the Continuing EducationCenter of TU Wien once again offers the Special Seminar “Chinese for Beginners” starting in Fall 2019.

In the course of the seminar, participants gain a first insight into the country, its people and the language. “At the end of the course, participants will be able to understand sentences and frequently used expressions in Chinese and can communicate in simple, everyday situations” says Dr. Yan Li, lecturer of the class. The qualified instructor was born in Sichuan, China, studied in Beijing, China and is active as a foreign language lecturer in the US, Münster and Vienna.


  • Diploma: Participation diploma of TU Wien in cooperation with the Confucius-Institute of the University of Vienna
  • Seminar length:
    Chinese for Beginners I: starts 08 October 2019
    Chinese for Beginners II: starts March 2020*
  • Classes are held every Tuesday from 6pm to 8:30pm
  • Lecturer: Dr. Yan Li 
  • Info and Application: Sladjana Rajic-Kostic,
    Application deadline:  01 October 2019
    For more information please consult our website