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LandLuft-Baukultur 2021: Special award for the "LENA" project

The project "LENA - unseren LEbensraum gemeinsam NAchhaltig gestalten (Shaping Our Living Space Together Sustainably)" has won the "LandLuft Baukultur Special Award for Exceptional Commitment"!

Participants of the Lena project at the award ceremonies in the Kuppelsaal of the TU Wien. Two of the persons are wearing round yellow "LandLuft" badges, a third presents the yellow certificate. Slanted wooden beams can be seen in the background.

LENA Landluft special award 2021

Since responsible land use is not only implemented on the municipal level but also depends on the commitment and activities of regional associations, citizens' initiatives and individuals, the LandLuft special award, opens an external URL in a new window for extraordinary commitment was launched under the motto "using soil wisely! This prize is intended to promote a wide range of initiatives that - beyond the municipal level - cultivate a forward-looking approach to land and soil. Nine winners emerged from a total of 68 submissions for the LandLuft special prize for extraordinary commitment.
Regional Development Association Römerland Carnuntum (Lower Austria): Regional building culture guidelines30 municipalities east of Vienna have embraced the Federal Chancellery's Building Culture Guidelines published in 2017. They developed a common strategy and an easily comprehensible construction kit based on these guidelines. All 30 municipalities committed to the principles, making wise land use and qualitative building methods no longer mere declarations of intent. The model region Römerland Carnuntum, opens an external URL in a new window demonstrates how the building culture guidelines can be implemented seriously.

The LENA project was implemented in cooperation of our Research Unit and the Regional Management Römerland Carnuntum. Ideas from LENA are currently also being continued in the RLC2040 project, opens an external URL in a new window.

 In the photo, from left to right:

  • Maik Novotny, jury chairman, freelance journalist, author, moderator
  • Heinz Plöderl, section chairman of the Chamber of Civil Technicians, Architects and Engineers Salzburg and Upper Austria
  • Daniela Koller, chairwoman of REV Römerland Carnuntum
  • DI Paul Frühling, MSc, mayor of Moosbrunn
  • Elisabeth Leitner, chairwoman LandLuft
  • Mario Winkler, spokesman of the Austrian Hail Insurance Company