All news at TU Wien

Conference: 2nd Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Rheology.

17. November 2023 an der JKU in Linz (Österreich)

 Linz 2023: Austrian Rheology Conference

Left corner: Assoc. Prof. Teresa Liberto (keynote speaker) with her presentation. In the right corner: Toni Bakovic (PhD student) and his presentation.

Teresa Liberto gave a keynote lecture on 'Challenges in the Investigation of New Sustainable Building Materials.' Several group members gave talks: Toni Bakovic on 'Rheological Characterization of Clay Pastes for Sustainable, Castable Clay Concrete,' Subhransu Dhar on 'Spherical Balls Settling in a Resting Cement Stone,' and Muhammad Shahid on 'Fresh Mix Properties of Cement Pastes Containing Graphene Oxide: Rheology and Calorimetry.' Dennis Amstutz, who is doing his master’s thesis with us, presented a poster on 'Experimental Observation of Suspension Sedimentation in a Horizontal Ring Pipe.'

Roman Kerschbaumer from Polymer Competence Center Leoben GmbH and Agathe Robisson chaired the session on Building Materials, which led to fruitful discussions with contributions from Wood K plus, BOKU, and TU Wien.

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