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Key-Learnings from Leadership Talk #2 with Mag. Dr. Klaus Niedl from Novomatic

Mag. Dr. Klaus Niedl about current challenges for managers in dealing with their teams

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Leadership Talk mit Mag.Dr. Klaus Niedl: Umgang mit Teams in Krisenzeiten

On February 24, 2021, our second talk in the Leadership Talk series took place with Mag. Dr. Klaus Niedl, Global Human Resources Director at Novomatic. He shared his many years of experience and insights in dealing with teams in times of crisis.

We have summarized our key learnings from Leadership Talk #2: "Dealing with teams in times of crisis" for you here.

Key learnings from Leadership Talk #2:

  • Shared "Sense of Urgency": build consensus in the team to accept the state of affairs, mobilize crisis defenses, and collectively set the right priorities.
  • "Sailing can't be learned in a storm!" But if it cannot be avoided, then confidence-building measures are also needed in the crisis.
  • Simultaneous reduction and increase of complexity: a rolling short-term planning must be complemented by the selective increase of complexity in order to grasp the overall picture. However, survival and security must be ensured to do so.
  • Empathy and closeness to the team members are necessary to keep them personally connected to the team even in times of crisis and to ensure a suitable solution space at an early stage in case of conflicts.
  • Open and fair communication with the team is essential. This is particularly important in the case of difficult decisions, as it is the only way to ensure that the manager remains credible and has room for maneuver.
  • As a leader, the selective withdrawal from the team is necessary in order to gain an overview and retain sufficient energy. This is essential to ensure a targeted influence or effectiveness in the direction of the team.


Our talk-series on the topic of leadership was dedicated to the current challenges for managers, who are particularly challenged in times of crisis. The three force fields of leadership were examined in three talks. The experts Leo Flammer, Mag. Dr. Klaus Niedl and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Güttel talked about what leaders need to consider in times of crisis at the individual level (1), team level (2) and organizational level (3).

You can learn how best to deal with the challenges of a crisis in our Leadership Retreat: With Leadership through the Crisis. There you will learn the methods for coping with crises and with wich in addition to crisis management, you can also focus on setting the course for the future.

The speakers are the experts from our Leadership Talk series Leo Flammer, Mag. Dr. Klaus Niedl and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Güttel.

More information about the Leadership Retreat can be found here >>

Leadership Retreat: How to manage situations of crisis with leadership competencies
Language: German
Duration: 3 training blocks of 3 days, each full day within 3 months
Format: part-time
Start: May 20, 2021
Application deadline: May 02, 2021