All news at TU Wien

No change to the “New Outlook” recommended

Recommendation for action on the topic 'New Outlook'

Dear colleagues,

Microsoft is offering all Microsoft 365 Enterprise users the opportunity to switch to the “New Outlook”. We advise against this, as the switch is associated with restrictions and risks:

  1. Data migrates to the public cloud:All accounts that have been integrated into Outlook, including all emails, calendar and contact data, are transferred to the Microsoft Cloud by default - this can cause data protection conflicts.
  2. Missing functions:
    Many tried and tested functions of classic Outlook are still missing, e.g. local PST files, add-ins and rule management.

How to prevent the change

As a user

  1. Microsoft offers various options for switching to the “new Outlook”. If you are prompted to switch via a pop-up in your Outlook program, select “Keep classic Outlook”.
  2. If you have already made the switch, click on “Back to classic Outlook” in the top right-hand corner.
  3. In some versions of classic Outlook, you can prevent the switch under File>Options>General>New Outlook options by deactivating “Automatically switch to new Outlook” (or similar).

As a user of a computer maintained by Campus IT

A patch will be installed automatically by 22nd December (pop-up Empirum window). If this does not happen, please contact the Campus IT Service Center.

Als IT-Admin

IT admins can prevent the automatic change via the registry:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\office\16.0\outlook\preferences] "NewOutlookMigrationUserSetting"=dword:00000000

Measures by Campus IT

The TUtoolbox now automatically sets a registry key that prevents the automatic installation of the new Outlook app instead of the classic Outlook. To do this, start the installation / upgrade of the TUtoolbox manually.

Please continue to use the classic Outlook. If you have any questions regarding the implementation, the Campus IT Service Center will be happy to help!