All news at TU Wien

Job openings for digitisation project

We are looking for software engineers for developing data and code repositories and a FAIR Data Officer for establishing a central contact point.

Phogo of sign post of kickoff event

Photo: Barbara Sánchez

The kick-off meeting for the FAIR Data Austria project took place on 11 March 2020. Within the framework of this project, infrastructures for research data management at the TU Wien are being further developed. The TU Wien will provide its researchers a data repository and an institutional GitLab instance as well as an automated data management plan tool. A central contact point for questions about the FAIR principles will also be offered in the near future.

The FAIR Data Austria project is one of the selected digitisation projects at public universities which are funded by the BMBWF between 2020 and 2024. Core project partners are TU Graz and the University of Vienna.

Job openings

For implementation, TU Wien is hiring skilled personell:

The positions are set up in close cooperation with the TU Wien Center for Research Data Management and Information Technology Solutions and thus ensure integrating new solutions into the existing system architecture.


Furthermore we are looking for a:

The practical application of the FAIR principles is crucial in scientific processes, both in the construction of digital infrastructures and in the development of training and support services. The connection to the global GO FAIR initiative plays a major role in this context. 

We hope we have raised your interest for this highly dynamic and cross-university project. Application for all three positions is open until 16.04.2020.