All news at TU Wien

End of year

There was a lot going on in 2020. We have compiled our most important activities and provide an outlook for the near future.

Foto of a christmas-tree shaped pendant.

Photo: Flickr via Flickr2Commons

Team expansion and new office

First the obvious: The team of the Center for Research Data Management has grown. In the summer, seven of us moved into our new premises on the top floor of Favoritenstrasse 16. In the meantime, the kitchen and the meeting room are also well equipped and we are looking forward to receive many visitors on site, as soon as the Covid-19 situation allows.

Consulting and support

The topics of DMP creation and data publication/repositories were the topics most frequently asked for. They have gained importance because DMPs and FAIR and open data are often requested by funding agencies or journals. We have responded by creating special “How to write a DMP” guides. Also, the TU project database now specifically refers to the need for DMPs and the possibility of considering FDM costs within projects.

Ministry-funded digitization project

The FAIR Data Austria, opens an external URL in a new window project was launched. Together with the project partners we are working on solutions for technical RDM infrastructures and on topics such as training and data stewardship. As part of our tasks, we will also start implementing the FAIR Office Austria, which will advance the FAIR principles and the FAIRization of services in Austrian research institutions. Furthermore, it will become part of the international GO FAIR organization. A separate project area in TUcoLAB is used for project documentation and collaboration.

More projects

The Center for Research Data Management is currently involved in further projects:

What is expecting you and us in 2021?

  • In April, our new workshop GitLab for Beginners starts, which is already fully booked. To be continued due to high demand!
  • Some of our team members will receive training through The Carpentries. This organization teaches foundational coding and data science skills to researchers and they place great emphasis on didactical skills and inclusion.
  • A central TU data repository for the storage and publication of research is expected to be available to all members of TU Wien in autumn 2021. Currently, initial tests and uploads of selected data sets are already underway.
  • Latest by the third quarter in 2021, we also expect release 1.0 of our machine-actionable DMP tool.
  • In addition, we are currently thinking about setting up an open "RDM Café". Regular meetings (e.g. quarterly) should help to intensify the exchange with colleagues from different departments of the TU Wien.
  • We also anticipate increased DMP requests as data management plans continue to play an important role in both the Horizon Europe program and FWF calls and are gradually being requested by our national funding agency, FFG.
  • At the European level, we will be guided by the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and its implementation in Austria. It is fortunate that many of the EOSC topics are also being considered in our local digitization projects.


We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and look forward to working with you in 2021!



TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16 (top floor), 1040 Vienna

Twitter: @RDMTUWien