All news at TU Wien


Sebastian Böhler - Vanessa Parravicini -- Jörg Krampe

Sebastian Böhler - Vanessa Parravicini -- Jörg Krampe

What a great edition of the International Water Association Specialized Conference on the Design, Operation and Economics of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants in Budapest - LWWTP 2024
This is an important event for our research group and we are truly pleased to contribute with session and discussion moderation by Jörg Krampe and with two talks:

  • "Capacity increase of wastewater treatment plants through selective excess sludge removal directly from activated sludge tanks" by Sebastian Böhler
  • "A novel comprehensive concept to reduce nitrous oxide emission at wastewater treatment plants through side-stream deammonification and biological off-gas treatment" held by Vanessa Parravicini

Congratulations to Dr. Patziger Miklós and to his team for the fantastic organisation!