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ISWA2024 World Congress in Cape Town: CPUg Research Presented on the African Continent

[Translate to English:] Francis Okori und Sara Neuburg

From 15th to 18th September 2024, the ISWA2024 World Congress took place at the CTICC in Cape Town, ZA. This was the first time that it took place on the African continent, lending itself to far greater representation from African Universities, Institutions, and Enterprises. Francis Okori and Sara Neuburg, two of CPUg’s PhD students at Technische Universität Wien, had the opportunity to present their research to this engaged, transcontinental and international audience. Francis Okori’s presentation was on the current performance of the CDM composting plants as compared to recommended composting practices, while Sara Neuburg introduced the audience to the utilization of the CDM composting plants’ sieving rejects as refuse-derived fuel. We felt honored to bring a small piece of CPUg to ISWA 2024 and are looking forward to further such opportunities in the future!