All news at TU Wien

ISB 2023

Biofluidslab at the 29th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, ISB, July 30th - August 3rd 2023, Fukuoka, Japan

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Georgios Aronis presenting

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Margit Gföhler presenting

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Biofluidslab could present 2 Contributiuons at ISB 2023, opens an external URL in a new window:

Georgios Aronis, Andrea Ancillao, Tommaso Del Grossi, Thomas Angeli, Margit Gföhler:
An improved Design of an upper limb Exoskeleton for overhead tasks

Theresia Baumgartner, Markus Bösenhofer, Olivier Guillaume, Aleksandr Ovsianikov, Michael Harasek, Margit Gföhler:
Design and Simulation of flow field for sinusoidal scaffold using Computational fluid dynamics