All news at TU Wien

Invitation to participate in the Vienna Young Scientists Symposium 2019 (VSS 2019)

Submission deadlien for Extended Abstracts is March 4, 2019.

It takes place on June 13 and 14, 2019 at TUtheSky. You are invited to participate actively as a speaker or by presenting a poster at VSS 2019. Submission deadline for a two-page Extended Abstract is March 4, 2019.

This year's focus areas are the following fields of research:

  • Catalysis
  • Engineering in Medicine
  • Fundamental Research
  • Architecture and Urban Planning

Further information can be found at, opens an external URL in a new window

Take the chance for scientific networking as well as to get to know each other, exchange thoughts and ideas, and cooperate within the group of young researchers at TU Wien!