All news at TU Wien

Info-Mail 04/2020

Signature service, create and change creditor/debitor, Refund and private sal, incorrect tax rate on invoice, Brexit, customs clearances, open payments and charges to current accounts, acquisition of literature


  1. Signature service
  2. Create and change creditor/debitor via SAP Services
  3. Refund and private sale form via SAP Services
  4. Refund for incorrect tax rate on invoice
  5. Closure of creditors/debtors from Great Britain from 2021 (Brexit)
  6. Orders and authority for customs clearances
  7. Open payments and charges to current accounts
  8. Acquisition of literature only by the library

1. Signature service

With immediate effect, PDF files at TU Wien can be digitally signed without having to send the documents via networks or servers outside TU Wien. You will need an Austrian Handysignatur

(mobile phone signature) for this (more information can be found at:, opens an external URL in a new window. The signature service can be accessed via SAP Services or directly at:, opens an external URL in a new window. The plan is to incorporate this functionality into TU Wien's in-house applications in future. However, you still also have the existing option to sign PDFs by web interface, this being a useful contribution to digital processes at TU Wien. The service is provided by TU Finance and the CSD team. Note: Unfortunately the service does not always run smoothly on Firefox.

2. Create and change creditor/debitor via SAP Services

With immediate effect, new forms are available via SAP Services for "Create/change creditor" and "Create/change debtor". These can be found on the "Finance applications" tile. The current forms will only remain available on our home page until 09/12/2020. After this date, it will only be possible to process applications from SAP Services.

For a new application, please complete all the master data as usual. For a change, enter the existing creditor or debtor in the first field and upload a document as evidence for the change in the application. Please note that in future, for every new application for a creditor, you will need to upload evidence of all the necessary data.

After submitting the application, you will receive an e-mail from the bursar's office confirming the new creation or change.

For questions about creditors, please contact and for debtors

3. Refund and private sale form via SAP Services

The application forms for "Refund" and "Private sale" are available in SAP Services with immediate effect. These can be found on the "Finance applications" tile. Please note that these applications may only be made by TU Wien employees.


After submitting the application, it is transferred into the invoice ledger, where it can be processed.

The current forms will only remain available on our home page until 09/12/2020. After this date, it will only be possible to process applications from SAP Services.

In principle, people outside TU Wien cannot apply for refunds, as they are not permitted to make any purchases using the TU Wien billing address. As with purchase invoices, people outside TU Wien should generally create their own private sale invoices.

If you have any questions, please contact

4. Refund for incorrect tax rate on invoice

For invoices issued to TU Wien outside of the EU or by a non-member country with standard VAT, from 01/01/2021 it will only be possible to refund/accept the net amount as TU Wien will still need to pay the domestic tax. The person applying for the refund will need to finance the difference privately.

5. Closure of creditors/debtors from Great Britain from 2021 (Brexit)

The United Kingdom left the EU on 31 January 2020. With the end of the transition period, Great Britain will become a non-member state with effect from 1 January 2021.

All open purchase orders must therefore be processed promptly and purchase invoices must be posted by the close of business on 23/12/2020.

Any sales invoices must be registered and approved no later than 30/12/2020, regardless of any receipt of payment.

Unfortunately, the technical requirements of the system make it necessary to block all debtors and creditors from Great Britain with effect from 1 January 2021. For deliveries and services to/from the United Kingdom from 2021, you will need to apply for the master data to be created again.

6. Orders and authority for customs clearances

When importing goods from non-member countries, duties and taxes are collected by the customs office.

Forwarding agents therefore require an authority to be able to complete customs clearance on behalf of TU Wien. Only one individual authorisation can be assigned for each delivery and a company signature is required.

We therefore expressly advise you that the institute's employees are not authorised to grant general authorities to forwarding agents.

To avoid incorrect tax details, please send all application forms to

7. Open payments and charges to current accounts

Unfortunately, we have recently seen more and more payments to TUW current accounts, where no application was made in time for the outgoing invoice and the funds received cannot be appropriated. Searching for the recipient of the remittance consumes a huge amount of bursar's office time. We would therefore repeat that you should not give out any bank details without subsequently issuing the associated outgoing invoices.

Any credit notes remitted by suppliers must be registered as soon as they are received.


Expenses on credit card statements must be accounted for by the due date. This is another area where we continue to see delays for months on end.

Please advise us without delay of any payments received that cannot be accounted for immediately. (No internal order, no credit note from supplier, etc.):

If payments continue to build up from individual institutes or service departments which cannot be allocated, we will need to withhold a proportion of these payments to pay for an additional employee in the bursar's office to get to the root of the problem, which is wasting increasing amounts of time.

7. Acquisition of literature only by the library

The library has asked us to communicate the following information. If you have any questions, please refer directly to the library.

From 01/01/2021, literature will be acquired centrally via the TU Wien Library (for exceptions, see below). Therefore, generally speaking, it will no longer be possible to pay for books or journals (asset) from your institute's budget. All academic literature, including databases, will be posted via the institutes' and central departments' book budget managed by the library, or via the library's journal budget.

The only exceptions are literature acquisitions required for use (e.g. worksheets, posters, etc.), and therefore not documented in CatalogPlus and not held in the TU Wien Library. This literature and non-academic journals, such as "C't: Magazin für Computertechnik", are classified as expenditure and thus posted by institutes or central departments via their global budget (product group 537).

For the continuing potential independent purchase of books in the German language: after submission and checking by TU Wien Library's Books Service Group, invoices or purchase costs paid privately using the relevant form (private sale) can be refunded or settled from your institute's book budget.

If there are no funds remaining in your institute's book budget, the library can process further literature purchases by transfers from your budget to the book budget.

For any questions concerning the acquisition of literature, please refer to or ext. 44080 (Books) ext. 44267 (Journals).