All news at TU Wien

Immo Spotlight: Rosa Bruckmoser, MMAS, MRICS

Portrait Rosa Bruckmoser

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Rosa Bruckmoser, MMAS, MRICS is a graduate of our real estate courses and a certified sworn real estate expert. In the course of this years’ 30th anniversary of the real estate courses at the TU WIEN, she reports on her experience in the course and mentions the importance of the network of students and graduates!

CEC degree in / year of graduation
Real Estate Management and Valuation / 1999
Facility management / 2001

Current professional function and employer
Real Estate Appraiser, IRG (Immobilien Rating GmbH), Rothschildplatz 4, 1020 Vienna

How did your career develop during or after the real estate course?
During the program, I worked as a real estate broker and project manager for agricultural advice and development in Mongolia as part of a EU funding project. As part of the project work, I got to know my indirect future employers through the Real Estate Management and Evaluation course. The appointment as a court-sworn expert for real estate affairs was a professional reorientation towards real estate valuation, coupled with the experience from the brokerage business towards IRG (real estate valuation for Bank Austria) a continuation of the career in the real estate sector.

What are the main reason for the success of the Real Estate programs at the Vienna University of Technology?
The excellent network between the lecturers, students and staff at the TU, who accompanied me as part of the study courses.

Why is a degree from the TU Wien considered valuable by employers in the real estate sector?
Very good basic knowledge, coupled with the professional experience; very good network in the real estate sector

During your years at university, what were the most important learnings for your real estate career?
Teaching the theory in the areas of law, construction, surveying, marketing and evaluation; personal contacts with colleagues who were active in the real estate sector and whose personal experiences were announced in the context of social contacts

How can you apply the knowledge acquired at TU Wien in your current position?
Good basic knowledge is adapted to the state of the art by means of permanent further education; The economic development in the field of real estate utilization, project development and financing is always a challenge for day-to-day business and requires ongoing knowledge updating

How was or is the relationship with your fellow students?
Very good, because we supported each other in the preparation for the ongoing examinations, the joint project work and the professional contacts in the daily business (real estate valuation and financing)

What memories come to your mind thinking back to your times at TU Wien?

Nice colleagues, teachers (lecturers) and great building at the Vienna University of Technology (main building)

How would you describe your real estate studies at the TU Wien in total?The two courses were indispensable for my professional advancement. Despite the restructuring processes within the bank, I was able to contribute my expertise to the IRG in a positive way.My colleagues benefit from my many years of professional experience.

The CEC-Team would like to thank Mrs. Zimmermann for the interview and wishes her success on her career path!