All news at TU Wien

Immo Spotlight Margit Zimmermann, MSc

Portrait Margit Zimmermann

Margit Zimmermann, MSc is a graduate of the 9th course of our university course Real Estate Management and of our Master's program MSc Real Estate Management and Valution. She has been a long-time employee of the Federal Real Estate Company and is responsible for the property and facility management of Viennese Schools since 2017.

Read about her experience with the course and how she benefits from the program in her day to daily business.

CEC degree in / year of graduation

• MSc Real Estate Management and Valuation /  4/2009
• Real Estate Management  / 11/2007

Current professional function and employer

Head of Property & Facility Management Schools Vienna,
Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft m.b.H. (Federal Real Estate Company)

How did your career develop during or after the real estate course?

  • 2004 - 2017 Head of Property Management Team Vienna 1 and 2
  • 2017 - today Head of Property & Facility Management Schools, Vienna

What are the main reason for the success of the Real Estate programs at the Vienna University of Technology?

Competent lecturers convey a combination of legal, technical and economic topics to motivated participants in a manageable group size. With the knowledge acquired, it is possible to solve the increasingly complex issues in the real estate sector competently and economically.

Why is a degree from the TU Wien considered valuable by employers in the real estate sector?

The broad training about the whole range of the real estate management at the technical university promises a comprehensive knowledge over all topics of the real estate management and also keeps the promise. After completing the courses I had the good feeling to be prepared for the future and even today I keep some scripts to read

During your years at university, what were the most important learnings for your real estate career?

In addition to the basic training in structural engineering topics, the topic of facility management and benchmarking, which was still in its infancy in Austria at the time, was a defining feature for me.

How can you apply the knowledge acquired at the Vienna University of Technology in your current position?

I use the knowledge acquired at the TU on economic and structural topics as the basis for optimal management and maintenance solutions in our portfolio. In general, it is above all the holistic view of the property that is conveyed during the courses, which is necessary and important in the strategic decisions to be made and which is unavoidable in everyday business.

How was or is the relationship to your fellow students?

During the study periods there was a close cohesion and a mutual support in the group. I have good memories of this time among like-minded people interested in further education. Some of my fellow students at the time have managed to save these contacts in the present; unfortunately I only managed this peripherally.

What memories come to your mind thinking back to your times at TU Wien?

The study time was an intensive time due to the double burden of full-time job and part-time training, which I do not want to miss. This gave me the expected look beyond the realm of real estate management, which helps me to solve complex problems until today.

Which word would describe your real estate studies at the Vienna University of Technology best?


 The CEC-Team would like to thank Mrs. Zimmermann for the interview and wishes her success on her career path!