All news at TU Wien

Immo Spotlight: Mag. Manfred Behr

Picture Manfred Behr

Manfred Behr is a graduate of the 13th cohort (2009-2011) of our university course Real Estate Management. He is currently self-employed and a court-certified real estate expert.

Read about his experience with the course and how he benefits from the program in his day to day business.

CEC degree in / year of graduationReal Estate Management  / 2011

Current professional function and employer
Real estate appraiser (generally sworn & court-certified real estate expert)
Self-employed (in cooperation with Immo-Contract Makler GesmbH)

How did your career develop during or after the real estate course?
Shortly before the beginning of the course, I started in the real estate industry in the field of property valuation. During the course I changed my employer and was able to improve my career path professionally. Two years ago I successfully passed the exam to become a court expert.

What are the essential skills needed in your position / job?
Expertise, expertise, expertise. Added to this are analytical capabilities, understanding of contexts, as well as years of experience.

What are the main reason for the success of the Real Estate programs at the Vienna University of Technology?
Most of the expertise is taught by lecturers, who are practitioners.

Why is a degree from the TU Wien considered valuable by employers in the real estate sector?
Because it has certainly proven that companies hire participants or graduates because they are in a good starting position due to the completed training.

During your years at university, what were the most important learnings for your real estate career?
In my case certainly the real estate law areas, so MRG and WEG. The in-depth knowledge of these areas of law is simply essential!

How was or is the relationship to your fellow students?
With many of them I am in contact over and over again to exchange on relevant technical issues and sometimes just to stay in touch.

What memories come to your mind thinking back to your times at TU Wien?
Very positive memories. Above all, that the course was offered part-time, as well as the selection of subjects and lecturers.

Which word would describe your real estate studies at the Vienna University of Technology best?

The CEC-Team would like to thank Mr. Behr for the interview and wishes him great success on his career path!