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IMMO FutureLab23: The future of the real estate industry

Impulse lectures and networking at the sixth IMMO FutureLab. Meet us at the Innovation Congress.

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© IMMOFutureLab

Society and especially the construction and real estate industry are facing major challenges: Both in raw materials, energy and skilled labour sectors, there is the major problem of scarcity. The one-day innovation congress IMMO FutureLab23 on 9 May 2023 at REAKTOR in Hernals is dedicated to these topics.

How the real estate industry can find new ways of working together in times of scarce resources and rising costs.

This is the motto of a lecture programme covering a wide range of topics: Staff shortages, resource scarcity, soil sealing and rising costs. In their keynotes, the experts will present strategies and examples that are groundbreaking for a sustainable development of the real estate industry.

"The IMMO FutureLab is intended to be the network node and hub for like-minded people in the construction and real estate industry; for people who want to actively participate and contribute to meeting climate goals."

We are looking forward to the innovative impulses in the presentations and many interesting conversations in the breaks.

More information on the programme:  IMMO FutureLab, opens an external URL in a new window

Discount for students and alumni
For students and alumni of the real estate courses of the TU Vienna Academy for Continuing Education there are discounted tickets again this year. Further information is available at

Further information on our real estate courses:

MSc Immobilienmanagement & Bewertung
ULG Immobilienwirtschaft & Liegenschaftsmanagement
MEng & ZLG Nachhaltiges Bauen