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ICT Team Wins TinyML Design Contest at ICCAD

The team from the Embedded Machine Learning CD-Lab at ICT has won the ICCAD‘s TinyML Design Contest.

[Translate to English:] team Embedded Machine Learning ICCAD

The 2023 ACM/IEEE TinyML Design Contest, opens an external URL in a new window at the International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), opens an external URL in a new window is a challenging, multi-month, research and development competition, focusing on real-world problems that require the implementation of machine learning algorithms on low-end microprocessors/microcontrollers. It is open to multi-person teams world-wide.

The team, consisting of Daniel Schnöll and Dominik Dallinger, have worked extremely hard the last months to develop a top solution, enthusiastically supported by the whole EML CD-Lab with creative ideas and vigorous encouragement. For their effort and ingenuity they are rightly acknowledged to be among the best in this comptetitive field. Congratulations!