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New Compact Program at the TU Wien Academy: Healthcare Facility Consulting

A gateway to the world of healthcare building and planning, especially for consultants who want to specialize in this field.

[Translate to English:] Ärzte in einem Krankenhaus

"The utopian promise of a universal master planner has long been superseded by a demand for evidence-based planning practice based on state-of-the-art tools and inclusive discourse between the involved disciplines. Healthcare is especially demanding in that context, since numerous interests and requirements have to be balanced. ," says course lecturer Dr. Gabriel Wurzer (TU Wien, Digital Architecture and Planning Research Department). Professional accompaniment in that process is thus of utmost importance, in order to ensure the best possible outcome for both patients and their supporting staff

The compact program Healthcare Facility Consulting is a compact, applied course as an introduction to the planning of healthcare buildings, aimed at consultants who want to specialize in this area. Starting with the healthcare system as a whole, participants are gradually introduced to the world of healthcare buildings and their departments, patients and staff.  

Both processes and architectural/functional aspects of design are learned and deepened through applied examples. A look at international practice as well as future trends in healthcare construction also contribute to a comprehensive picture of design. In summary, this course is an effective way to become familiar with the practice of healthcare building design.

"Healthcare buildings are among the most complex buildings to design, construct, and operate, requiring expertise in functional relationships and processes in addition to architectural knowledge. Such broad knowledge is taught in the course in an application-oriented manner using examples and a selection of suitable software," says course lecturer Dr. Wolfgang Lorenz (TU Wien, Digital Architecture and Spatial Planning Research Department).

Key Facts

Certification: Certificate

Structure: three blocked modules, always from Friday to Sunday

Language: German

Venue: TU Wien

Course start: 08 April 2022

Early Bird Bonus: 10% discount on the participation fee for applications until January 15, 2022

Further information at:, opens an external URL in a new window