All news at TU Wien

Joint Book(Let)Launch

On Tuesday, August 8, 2023 from 17:00 the two publications "ISEK hoch 4" and "Energieraumplanung Vösendorf 2022" will be presented in the Research Department Regional Planning and Regional Research in Karlsgasse 13, 3rd floor.

Auf dem Bild ist eine Einladung zur Präsentation von zwei Pubilkationen zu sehen

© Martin Aufhauser

Grafik Booklet Launch

Einladung zum Book(Let)Launch

Two publications recently published at (t)RaumRegion will be presented: The course publication Energieraumplanung Vösendorf 2022 and the project publication ISEK hoch 4 - integriertes Innenstadtentwicklungskonzept für den SÜD ALPEN RAUM.

The publication Energieraumplanung Vösendorf 2022 is an energy and climate relevant analysis and planning, which was prepared in the summer semester 2022 in cooperation with the market town Vösendorf.

The ISEK4 forms an overarching framework for action for the cities of Bruneck, Hermagor-Pressegger See, Lienz and Spittal an der Drau with the region-specific spatial guiding ideas. In the city-specific parts, the planning focuses on specific sub-areas of the respective city. The regional symbiosis links the four IUDCs of the individual cities and raises them to the regional level. This creates an overall picture for the SOUTH ALPINE AREA that is more and - in terms of sustainable local and regional development - can do more than the sum of the four ISEKs!

We are looking forward to a numerous participation!