All news at TU Wien

Together for cleaner water

[Translate to English:] Helmut Rechberger Projekt besuch

Together with our partners from TU Graz (Prof. Günter GRUBER) and BOKU Vienna (Dr. Marcel Liedermann), we recently visited the wastewater treatment plant in Wiener Neustadt to identify an optimal measuring point in the effluent for our comparative measurements of microplastics.

As part of the GeBeMA project, we are developing a standard operating procedure (SOP) for the routine determination of microplastics in wastewater. Thanks to the active support of the wastewater treatment plant management, Dr. Wolfgang Scherz and DI Eitzenberger, we are already able to carry out network samples across the entire cross-section of the wastewater flow in October in order to test our methodology.

We are proud to be involved in such an important project that will make a valuable contribution to the protection of our waters.