All news at TU Wien

Together for a greener future!

Green Events: First-class teamwork as part of the Best Teaching Awards creates sustainable change at TU Wien.

Kuppelsaal people sitting at tables, speaker on stage

© TU Wien / Matthias Heisler

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The Best Teaching Awards event was held as a Green event for the first time and is a best practice example how important teamwork is for  sustainable success of projects.

decorations on tables in detail

© TU Wien / Matthias Heisler

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[Translate to English:] Awards mit Herbstdeko

© TU Wien / Matthias Heisler

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[Translate to English:]

On October 3rd 2024, the Best Teaching Awards, opens an external URL in a new window ceremony took place for the first time as a certified Green Event and was a great success thanks to the excellent cooperation of various internal teams.

With extraordinary commitment, a lot of creativity and well-organized teamwork, all teams realized this sustainable event, under the supervision of the Vice-Rectorate Academic Affairs, in an impressive way. At the same time, they strengthened environmental awareness at TU Wien.

The entire Rectorate team, above all Vice-Rector Jasmin Gründling-Riener, would like to thank all employees involved in the event organization, in particular

  • Elke List, Tamara Nedic (Assistant Vice Rectorate Academic Affairs),
  • Andreas Guzei, Herbert Kreuzeder, Monika Springer, Sebastian Steiner, Green Event Coordinator Dejan Mihajlovic (PR department) and
  • Marius Hinca and Paulus Reiffenstein (Building and Technology)

for the great commitment and outstanding teamwork that characterized this Green Event.