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Women studying Real Estate courses at the TU graduate slightly faster

Do women complete real estate studies at the TU more often? Are women faster at studying (and if so - by how much)? The Academy of Continuing Education addressed these questions as part of a data analysis of real estate courses from 2015 to 2023.

[Translate to English:] Absolventinnen und Absolventen unseres Lehrgangs

Data analysis of the real estate courses at TU Wien (ACE)

As part of a data request from a student for her Master's thesis, in which she was interested in women in real estate education, we also examined the data on the relationship between gender and progression or graduation rate more closely ourselves. We were able to determine that although the Real Estate courses at the TU have a certain surplus of men, similar to other courses at our university, the difference is smaller than in many of our other courses.


Mixed picture for graduation rates

The graduation rates show a mixed picture; depending on the year, the rate of female graduates is sometimes higher and sometimes lower than that of their male colleagues. Overall, however, it is clear that the real estate courses at TU Wien (ACE) are very easy to study alongside a career. In some years, the graduation rate was even 100% and a large number of students (regardless of gender) were able to graduate within the standard period of study of 4 semesters.


Average duration of study slightly better for women

Overall, the average duration of study for female graduates was slightly better than for men in the period under review from 2015 to 2023. The arithmetic mean difference for Master's degrees was 0.23 semesters, with women just ahead of men. Although this is of course not a major difference, it can still be said that women, with a share of around 35% of the total number of graduates in the period under review, are certainly strongly represented in real estate education and in some respects were also able to outperform their male colleagues statistically.

Well-mixed classes

The real estate training at TU Wien at the Academy for Continuing Education takes place in classes of a maximum of 30 people for both the Master's course in Real Estate Investment and Valuation and the ULG Real Estate Management. This enables optimal individual support from our lecturers, all of whom are renowned experts in their field. When putting together the courses, attention is also paid to a good composition of the classes in terms of professional criteria and there has also been a good mix in terms of gender.

The internationally oriented Academy for Continuing Education (ACE) at TU Wien forms the interface between science and business with its wide range of programs. You can find out more about our Master's programs and university courses here.