All news at TU Wien

Florian Wartha

Profilpicture Fuhrmann

© Florian Wartha

"Enabling the energy turnaround with control technology! Wind and solar energy are developing into the backbone of the global energy supply. The lack of controllability of wind and solar radiation is thus becoming a central challenge of the energy transition. To prevent this challenge from 'breaking the back' of the energy transition, predictive control concepts are needed for electricity consumption in industry and households as well as for electricity generation in various (small) power plants. By developing such control concepts, I can now work at Wien Energie on the decarbonisation of Vienna's energy supply. I was able to acquire the necessary tools for this during my bachelor's and master's studies in process engineering and as a project assistant at the Institute for Mechanics and Mechatronics at TU Wien. As a project assistant, I gained an insight into the energy management systems of various industrial companies, was allowed to develop them further and was able to complete my doctoral studies."