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FFG: Emergency call for research on COVID-19

Austrian government supports drug research with a total of 23 million euros.

Image of Virus

Image: Website (21.3.2020)

For research on the coronavirus, the Austrian Federal Government is providing a total of 23 million euros for research into drugs. The funding is mainly directed at projects that investigate the efficacy of existing drugs in the fight against corona. The necessary clinical studies are to be accelerated by additional funds.

Applications can be submitted to the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) at, opens an external URL in a new window. In order to enable a quick decision and thus a quick start of the projects, there are two deadlines: 8 April 2020 (for short-term decisions) and 11 May 2020 (for additional applications and funding decisions). In an accelerated procedure, the fastest possible start of the research activities will be made possible.

Who can apply?

Companies based in Austria that are working on active substances against COVID-19 or consequences caused by the coronavirus and are able to quickly start a clinical study (phase I or II) are eligible for funding. Funding is available for all study-related costs, such as personnel and material costs for testing teams. There is no limit for third-party costs.

Which projects receive funding?

Funding is provided for R&D projects of Austrian companies and clinical studies that deal with the following topics related to the coronavirus and can be implemented quickly:

  • the biology of the virus and its transmission
  • infection prevention and control
  • research and development of drugs and other therapeutic methods and the development of new diagnostic approaches
  • planning and implementation of clinical studies

Facts summarised

  • The measure "Emergency Call" of the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs (BMDW) of 9.3.2020 with 1 million Euros was increased on 21.3.2020 with additional 22 million Euros. These come from funds of the BMDW, of the Ministry of Climate (BMK), and the Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF).
  • There is an accelerated procedure for applications.
  • Applications can be submitted to the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) at