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Festive graduation ceremony for property experts at TU Wien

Alumni of the University Course Real Estate Management

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Alumni of Sustainable Construction

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Winner of the BZP Award Anna Konopka

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Festive atmosphere in the "Kuppelsaal" of the TU Vienna

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Festive atmosphere in the "Kuppelsaal" of the TU Vienna

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Speech in the Kuppelsaal - Prof. Bob Martens

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Acceptance speech Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Schneider

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Acceptance speech Dipl.-Ing. Otto Heinecke

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Acceptance speech Lea Koncsek and Philipp Rupert Smula

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Alumni of the MSc Real Estate Investment & Valuation

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Video of the Immo Graduations

Imagefilm der Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwesen, TU Wien

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On 30 November 2023, the graduates of the ACE Real Estate courses were duly celebrated in the impressive Kuppelsaal at TU Wien. The 27th intake of the MSc Real Estate Management & Valuation, the 24th intake of the ULG Real Estate Economics & Property Management and graduates of the MEng and ZLG Sustainable Construction were the focus of the ceremony.

The morning began with the honouring of the graduates of the MSc Real Estate Management and Valuation. Course director Ao.Univ.Prof. Arch. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Bob Martens FRICS welcomed the alumni and guests of honour, paid tribute to their commitment and emphasised the important role played by friends and family during their part-time studies.

The keynote speech for the graduates of the MSc Real Estate Management & Valuation programme was given by Guido Zorn, MSc, Partner at Bischof Zorn + Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH. As a graduate of the Master's programme, he presented the prestigious BZP Award, which recognises special achievements in the field of real estate law. Anna Konopka received the award for her outstanding Master's thesis on "Legal and appraisal aspects of condominium ownership as building lease".

The second speech for the graduates of Real Estate Economics & Property Management and Sustainable Building was given by Prof. Arch. Dipl.-Ing. Michael Pech, who in his speech attested that the alumni are ideally equipped for the future in turbulent times thanks to the expertise they have gained and their strong network.

At the graduation ceremony, Prof Bob Martens FRICS, and for Sustainable Construction, together with retired assistant professor and university lecturer Dr Karin Stieldorf, presented the graduates with their academic certificates. A string quartet from the TU Wien Orchestra provided the musical backdrop, while the graduates Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Schneider, Lea Koncsek together with Philipp Rupert Smula and Dipl.-Ing. Otto Heinecke gave inspiring speeches in which they thanked their fellow students.

Congratulations to the alumni!

MSc Real Estate Investment & Valuation:

  • Constantin Bednar, BSc.
  • Dipl.-Ing. Goran Bobar, BSc.
  • Mag. Dilek Deveci    
  • Lukas  Fürst, MA
  • Michael Hiller, BA
  • Christine Kainz, BBA.HM
  • Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Köllinger
  • Mag. Anna Konopka 
  • Fabian Seidl, MSc.
  • Sebastian Siebenhofer, MSc.
  • Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Schneider 
  • Vincent Teichgräber, BSc.

University Course Real Estate Management:

  • Mag.Florian Bandler
  • Markus Breth
  • Lukas Christenson
  • Claus Dapeci, BSc
  • Arthur Einwitschläger
  • Alexander Ertl
  • Alexander Georg Frieders
  • Ing. Hatto Alexander Hanauska
  • Angelika Hawle
  • Nesrin Helal
  • Markus Hütter
  • Konstantinos Issakides
  • Lea Koncsek
  • Ruth Ines Martinu
  • Mag. Matthias Mündl
  • Eneda Nallbati
  • Mag. Klaus Otzelberger, BSc
  • Robert Reithner
  • Constantin Schöll
  • Nicolas Schöll
  • Philipp Rupert Smula
  • Theo Stein
  • Daniel Tschuden
  • Stefan Wagner
  • Christa Watzinger-Gabler 

MEng Sustainable Construction:

  • Dipl.-Ing. Otto Heinecke
  • Christian Kaspar, MSc
  • Dipl.-Ing. Josef Lang, BSc
  • Michael Stiebellehner 

University Course Sustainable Construction:

  • Dipl.-Ing. Harald Knor
  • Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Mayer
  • Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Tajda Potrc-Obrecht
  • Erika Paola Schinnerl
  • Dipl.-Ing. Roland Stöttner, BSc
  • Dipl.-Ing. Johann Thaller, BSc 

After the official ceremonies, there was an opportunity to toast and celebrate together. We congratulate all graduates and wish them every success in their future endeavours!
Further information on our programmes:
MSc Real Estate Investment & Valuation
Real Estate Management

Sustainable Construction