All news at TU Wien


With great pleasure we announce the second Women’s Research Congress at the Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering on the 17th of January 2024, hosted by the women’s network femTUme!

[Translate to English:] Flyer

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[Translate to English:]

[Translate to English:] Agenda

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Have you ever wondered how many female scientists do research at our faculty?

The aim of this congress is to give female researchers and master students the opportunity to present their work, get to know each other and network.

We invite you to present your research or master's thesis in our Best Poster Award or to present your research in a 3–5-minute pitch.

The congress will take place on 17 January 2024 from 9am at TUtheSky.

All the detailed information and the link to register, opens an external URL in a new window until 15.01.2024 can be found in the flyer below.