All news at TU Wien

Februarseminar 2024 Opening

Februarseminar 2024 Opening

Februarseminar 2024 Opening

Here we go! This year's edition of the Februarseminar, organised by ÖWAV - Österreichischer Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaftsverband and our team and dedicated to the topic of Energy in wastewater treatment plants, has gathered almost 300 participants and 17 companies sponsoring the event at TU Wien.
Heide Müller-Rechberger from Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Regionen und Wasserwirtschaft opened the seminar with a presentation on energy in the new Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive.
We look forward to the rest of the day with a wide range of topics, from supply risk and crisis management to operational experiences from large plants regarding aeration technology and other measures to reduce external energy consumption.