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Research Unit Land Policy and Land Management with presentations at EALD-Conference

Arthur Schindelegger, Barbara Steinbrunner and Kurt Weninger on front of the poster of the EALD conference

The 10th Symposium of the European Academy of Land Use and Development (EALD) took place from Sept 2nd – Sept 4th 2021 at BOKU Vienna. The Research Unit of Land Policy and Land Management was present with several presentations on recent research projects and research focus areas (Program via, opens an external URL in a new window). Specifically, the following presentations were brought to the professional discourse:

  • Barbara Steinbrunner: Risk-oriented spatial planning, Sept 2nd 2021
  • Arthur Schindelegger: Climate proofing of (urban) planning instruments, Sept 3rd 2021 (Project Information)
  • Kurt Weninger: Urban MoVe – Using mobility contracts to manage residential mobility, Sept 3rd 2021 (Project Information)