All news at TU Wien

Excursion report to the subway construction site Matzleinsdorfer Platz

On 15.05.2023, 15 students of the TU Wien took part in an excursion to the subway construction site Matzleinsdorfer Platz. The aim was to get an insight into the progress of the construction work for the extension of the U2.

Several people wearing construction helmets and high-visibility vests stand in a subway shaft in front of a large construction machine.

© Univ.Ass. Oleksandr Melnyk, MSc.

The excursion was accompanied by Kiymet Pekesen (Wiener Linien), Ivan Akrap (Wiener Linien), Oleksandr Melnyk (TU Wien) and Alexander Bender (TU Wien).

When descending into the approximately 30-meter-deep excavation pit of the future U2 station Matzleinsdorfer Platz, it was immediately noticeable that the hole had become significantly larger. Eight months ago, horizontal freedom of movement was still limited, but now around 400 meters of tunnel extend around the initial shaft. This means that almost a third of the planned tunnel system has already been completed. However, a total of 1,400 meters of tunnel must be completed in the area of the station before the arrival of the tunnel borer, which will begin paving the way to the city center in 2024.

According to Kiymet Pekesen, the shell of track 2 leading into the city was recently completed. The team is currently working on the construction of the double cross passage, which will later serve as a connecting passage between the platforms. The escalators that come down from above also end here.

According to the schedule, the U2 will run to Matzleinsdorfer Platz from 2028. The new U2 will benefit around 50,000 residents and provide a fast connection for commuters from the south. In the future, the purple line will directly connect Seestadt Aspern with Wienerberg between 2032 and 2035.

Text & photos: Univ.Ass. Oleksandr Melnyk, MSc.

Several people wearing construction helmets and high-visibility vests are standing in a subway shaft.

© Univ.Ass. Oleksandr Melnyk, MSc.

Subway shaft from above with various pipes.

© Univ.Ass. Oleksandr Melnyk, MSc.

Subway shaft from above with numerous construction vehicles.

© Univ.Ass. Oleksandr Melnyk, MSc.