All news at TU Wien

Excursion S36 Murtalschnellstraße

Photo of the group

© TU Wien, Institute of Geotechnics

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Photo of the group

© TU Wien, Institute of Geotechnics

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Photo of the group

© TU Wien, Institute of Geotechnics

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Photo of the construction site

© TU Wien, Institute of Geotechnics

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In the second excursion of the lecture "Rock and Tunnel Construction" 2019, the construction site for the Murtal expressway S 36 in Unzmarkt, Styria, was visited in December 2019.

The group of students was welcomed in the construction office of ASFINAG by DI Volker Weninger, DI Wolfgang Grafl, DI Christian Eckhardt, and DI Ditmar Kreysler, followed by a presentation on the development of the S36 expressway.

First of all, DI Weninger gave an overview of the development of the project and the selection of the route. As a result of a Q&A session, the interaction of the construction project with nature and the surrounding villages was reported, as well as their dependence on politics and the enormous importance for transport in Austria.

Subsequently, a detailed insight into the geological condition as well as the geological and geotechnical features in this area was provided by Mr. DI Kreysler. Mr. DI Eckhardt concluded the presentations in the construction office with interesting information about the execution of the planned expressway and the accompanying measures.

Afterwards, the group of students was able to visit the construction site and get an idea of the completed slope stabilization as well as the portal of the underfloor route (built in cut-and-cover construction) on site.

A big thank you to DI Volker Weninger, DI Wolfgang Grafl, DI Ditmar Kreysler and DI Christian Eckhardt for this remarkable construction site excursion!