All news at TU Wien

Excursion - Hydraulic Machinery and Hydraulic Systems

At the beginning of June, 15 interested students went on a one-week excursion to Tyrol, Switzerland and Italy as part of the Hydraulic Machines and Hydraulic Systems course.

Group photo in front of the pressure pipeline of the Kardaun power plant

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Power plant Kardaun

Photo in an adit

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Group photo in front of the Punt dal Gall dam

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Punt dal Gall dam

Group photo in a Pelton power plant Kaunertal

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Power plant Kaunertal

This year's excursion of the Hydraulic Machines and Hydraulic Systems of the Institute of Energy Systems and Thermodynamics took place at the beginning of June. The group of 17 went to Tyrol, the Engadine (Switzerland) and then to South Tyrol (Italy). The visits included numerous existing plants, power plant construction sites, dams and manufacturers. In Tyrol, the Kühtai and Küthai 2 power plants as well as Kaunertal and the Inn joint power plant (GKI) in the Austrian-Swiss border region were visited. In Switzerland, the power plant chain of the Engadiner Kraftwerke (EKW) with the dam wall of the Livigno reservoir was the destination of the excursion. Last but not least, their journey took them to Bella Italia. From Alperia, the two modernized Kardaun and St. Walburg power plants and the Zogglersee dam were visited. The tour ended with a visit to the Troyer Company in Sterzing, a turbine manufacturer with a long tradition. The in-depth and exciting technical insights, the understanding of the importance of interdisciplinary cooperation and the personal discussions on the sidelines all contributed to a successful excursion.