All news at TU Wien

Exkursion Alte Post

Photo of the construction site

© TU Wien, Institute of Geotechnics

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Photo of the construction site

Photo of the group

© TU Wien, Institute of Geotechnics

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Photo of the construction site

© TU Wien, Institute of Geotechnics

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 Photo of the group on the construction site

© TU Wien, Institute of Geotechnics

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Photo of the group on the construction site

Photo of the group

© TU Wien, Institute of Geotechnics

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As part of the lectures Foundation Engineering and Soil Mechanics (Bachelor's programme) and Foundation Engineering and Soil Mechanics 2 (Master's programme), an excursion to an impressive construction site in Vienna took place at the end of the semester. At the invitation of the company Keller Grundbau, a large group of interested students visited the reconstruction of the "Alte Post" in Vienna's first district together with Prof. Adam. Over the next few years, residential units, a hotel and a multi-storey underground car park will be built in the area of the current inner courtyard, which will require deep excavation, extensive underpinning and anchoring work as well as groundwater management measures.

At the time of the excursion, multi-row anchored DSV columns were made in the courtyards. In addition, a dewatering system was in operation to lower the existing groundwater.

After a short introduction by DI Michael Flor in the construction office of the listed building, the construction site was visited with a wide variety of geotechnically exciting aspects. The large group of students was divided into small groups and accompanied through the construction site by DI Michael Flor, DI Andreas Kratochvill and Ing. Stefan Kirnbauer, who explained the work steps in detail at various locations and answered questions from the students. The production of anchors was in full swing and was visited up close.

In addition, wells were shown, which are used for groundwater drainage and were in operation. Following the exciting tour of the construction site, DI Andreas Körbler, DI Michael Flor, DI Andreas Kratochvill and Ing. Stefan Kirnbauer answered the open questions of the fascinated students. During the course of the day, the students gained a very interesting insight into the implementation of various construction measures, especially in connection with the various geotechnical aspects.

A big thank you goes to the company Keller Grundbau, especially to the managing director DI Andreas Körbler - who did not miss the opportunity to accompany the excursion himself at the head of the top-class team on site - for making the visit to the construction site possible and carrying it out.