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Excursion to Austrian Company Melecs EWS GmbH

Participants Professional MBA Automotive Industry

The 9th Professional MBA Automotive Industry Program ( started in March 2018. After more than one year’s study participants are in the third semester and acquire knowledge and know-how in the automotive production and logistics. Preliminary the MBA program is designed to give participants the deep insights in the structure and process of the automotive industry. To experience the practical realization in the factory the excursions are part of the education program. 

On May 16, 2019 participants visited the Melec EWS GmbH in Siegendorf. Melec EWS GmbH produces electronic components for the automotive, automotive lighting & sensors applications. The company was founded in 2009 as a Spin-Off from Siemens AG. Now it has around 1,500 employees and more than 262 Million Euros. After the company presentation participants went through the production lines which are highly automatized. They could see the different production technologies and packaging of electronic components for premium car manufacturers 

It was a good opportunity to see the different production technologies in the production lines and how the company can be the market leader of specific production in the very competitive market.

The program management and participants express the sincere thanks to the company Melecs EWS GmbH for the hospitality.