All news at TU Wien

EX³ doctoral student workshop on academic excellence

The EX³ doctoral student initiative is working for a year in a bottom-up process to reflect on the criteria, principles and goals of the qualification of doctoral students at the Faculty A+R. In three workshops, central qualification needs of prospective architects and planners will be discussed and tested by way of example.

Workshop 1 on 22 October 2024 was all about academic excellence. In elevator pitches, the doctoral students presented their current paper projects, which were commented on by their colleagues. Subsequently, in-depth feedback on content was exchanged in small groups and the academic publication process was discussed. This resulted in the crystallisation of specific knowledge needs with regard to publication standards, media and strategies, which will now be discussed further as successes from Workshop 1.

Workshop 2 in January 2025 will be dedicated to transdisciplinary roles and skills.

EX³ is funded by the future.lab of the Faculty A+R at TU Wien as part of the EXCITE programme.