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Evergreen Lectures Berkeley Course 2021 at TU Wien

Registration is open until 22 August 2021 - participants will receive a Berkeley certificate! This year's topic: Digital Transformation in Natural Resources.

Auditorium and Gregory La Blanc

© Porträtfoto: Berkeley Haas

Participants gain insights into how companies and organisations prepare data and use information collected to further strengthen market positions. Moreover, you have the chance of exclusive glimpses into the best practices and latest applied research of the field from top experts. Plus, get a free of charge Berkeley Certificate on top of state-of-the-art knowledge!

Evergreen Lectures present the Berkeley program with Gregory La Blanc. He is the Chair of the Berkeley-Haas Professional Faculty and a Lecturer at the Haas School, Berkeley Law School, and the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Berkeley.


The Evergreen Lectures Berkeley Course is targeted for Austrian students, who are motivated to expand their horizon and who are specifically interested in the subject of this Berkeley course, who think outside the box and who challenge their professional environment with the expertise from other fields of research. The course is limited to a maximum of 30 participants. A distinct quantity of places is reserved for students from forestry and wood science. 

Application deadline for the limited places is 22 August 2021, midnight.

More information an application:, opens an external URL in a new window 

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How Big Data is Changing Business (and Our Lives) - Greg LaBlanc