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ETIA Travel Allowance - travel report from Cambodia

Every year, the TU Wien Academy for Continuing Educaton grants the „MSc ETIA Travel Allowance“ for academic work of short duration undertaken abroad for the purposes of completing the Master´s Thesis. In February 2020, this financial support enabled the student Christina Huber to do a research trip to Cambodia for her thesis on sustainability on islands. She reports:

Environmental Technology & International Affairs (ETIA) student Christina Maria Huber received the "MSc ETIA Travel Allowance", which provides annual financial support to students to conduct short-term research for Master's theses abroad

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Environmental Technology & International Affairs (ETIA) student Christina Maria Huber received the "MSc ETIA Travel Allowance", which provides annual financial support to students to conduct short-term research for Master's theses abroad

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Environmental Technology & International Affairs (ETIA) student Christina Maria Huber received the "MSc ETIA Travel Allowance", which provides annual financial support to students to conduct short-term research for Master's theses abroad

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Environmental Technology & International Affairs (ETIA) student Christina Maria Huber received the "MSc ETIA Travel Allowance", which provides annual financial support to students to conduct short-term research for Master's theses abroad

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Environmental Technology & International Affairs (ETIA) student Christina Maria Huber received the "MSc ETIA Travel Allowance", which provides annual financial support to students to conduct short-term research for Master's theses abroad

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Environmental Technology & International Affairs (ETIA) student Christina Maria Huber received the "MSc ETIA Travel Allowance", which provides annual financial support to students to conduct short-term research for Master's theses abroad

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Environmental Technology & International Affairs (ETIA) student Christina Maria Huber received the "MSc ETIA Travel Allowance", which provides annual financial support to students to conduct short-term research for Master's theses abroad

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„The focus lay on the waste to energy nexus, evaluating the possibility of using organic waste from the island of Koh Rong to support a local PV-hybrid electricity net. A first stop were interviews with experts in the city of Phnom Penh. A representative of UNIDO took the time to share experiences on small biogas plant projects in Cambodia, as well as give an overview of the legal framework present in the country on renewable energy incentives and goals. Similarly, a meeting with members of several departments from the Institute of Technology Cambodia provided an insight into rural electrification and renewable energy projects throughout the country.

The second stop was dedicated to evaluating the situation on the island of Koh Rong by interviewing local players. Resort managers shared data on waste composition and waste management, as well as electricity demand. In cooperation with the local authority and a representative from the tourist association, it was possible to affirm the feasibility of an organic waste to energy project on the island.

All in all the research trip was very successful and a first step towards developing concrete project plans for Koh Rong.“

(report by ETIA12 student Christina Huber)