All news at TU Wien

ESB 2023

Biofluidslab at the 29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, 09.-12.07.2023, Maastricht, The Netherlands

Theresia Baumgartner presenting her paper

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Georgios Aronis and Andrea Ancillao in front of their Poster

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Georgios Aronis presenting

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ESB Banner

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Das Biofluidslab was present at the ESB 2023, opens an external URL in a new window with 5 contributions:

S. H. Monsefi, B. Haddadi, M. Gfoehler, M. Harasek: "Multi-objective optimization of holliow fiber Membranes arrangement using modified enhanced JAYA Algorithm"

G. Aronis, A. Ancillao, T. Del Grossi, T. Angeli, M. Gföhler: "Metabolic Analysis of a wearable upper Limb Exoskeleton for overhead work"

A. Ayechu Abendaño, A. Ancillao, G. Aronis, T. Angeli, M. Gföhler: "A biomechanical model to test the effects of a passive exoskeleton on the shoulder complex"

T. Baumgartner, M. Bösenhofer, O. Guillaume, A. Ovsianikov, M. Harasek, M. Gföhler: "How do sinusoidal scaffolds affect fluid flow-induced wall shear stress and mass transport?"

Joris De Schutter, Arno Verduyn, Maxim Vochten, Erwin Aertbeliën, Andrea Ancillao: "Knee flexion angle estimation based on functionally instead of anatomically defined coordinate systems"